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A Fresh Start: Our Hotel Renovation and Rebranding

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

In recent months, we have been busy renovating our hotel. Not only the renovation of the property itself, but also that of our brand.


We have taken the first steps in rebranding hotel Limburgia to Hotel 1711. We want Hotel 1711 to become more and more prominent as time goes on. In this we are different from most rebrandings, as we do not want to say goodbye to the past, but want to give the era of hotel Limburgia and Photo Studio A.B. a respectable place in Hotel 1711. The history and past of the property and Valkenburg are very important, therefore we want to be able to show and share this with our guests.

With this rebranding we have also been working on a new logo and a new slogan.

The Hotel 1711 logo

There are two things that stand out about the logo. The sun with the birds and the clouds represent adventure and landscape, which suits the environment. In addition, we chose the front view of the building in its former state in which we refer to history. As mentioned earlier, we want to focus on the history of the property and Valkenburg and also convey this to our guests.

Discover Re-Energized: Your Journey Starts with Us!

As Hotel 1711, it is our priority that our hotel guests can embark on a new adventure in Valkenburg and its surroundings, well-rested, every day. In a region where there is so much to experience. That is why we have chosen 'Discover Re-Energized: Your Journey Starts with Us!’ as our slogan, making this clear in one short sentence.

The renovation and conversion work

We have taken the first step towards greeting our hotel guests in a welcoming and pleasant way in the coming years. As part of this renovation, we have introduced a new color scheme, so you will find new shades back in our premises. We have said goodbye to monotonous colors, such as the usual dark blue and switched to mainly lighter paint colors and wallpaper with a fun pattern. Our goal is to gradually transform the interior to a baroque style, bringing back some traditional elegance.

All rooms have been refreshed, most of them have received new beds, so that guests get what they come for, a good night's sleep. Also, 4 rooms will have new bathrooms and these will fall under the "Comfort Traveler" category.

New room categories

We have four types of rooms, each with its own characteristics, so that each guest has a room for their needs.


The traveler rooms are comfortable two-person rooms, but are just a bit smaller compared to the other rooms. Perfect for, as the name itself suggests, the traveler.

Comfort Traveler

The next category is Comfort Traveler, a similar category as before, but these rooms offer just a little more space and comfort.


Then we have Comfort, our most spacious rooms. You enjoy more comfort and facilities and also more space in.


Last we have the Singles, which are the rooms for one person. This is for guests traveling by themselves or with an odd numbered group. Of course, it is also possible to request an extra bed for one of our other rooms.

With this upgrade to the property and concept, we hope and expect to welcome guests in a good and hospitable way next season.

If you like to stay up to date with news and updates about Hotel 1711 and the surrounding area, we especially recommend following us on Instagram.

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